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Le Saint Georges by Mon Hotel Particulier, Lyon

Le Saint Georges by Mon Hotel Particulier
Located in the heart of Lyon, Le Saint Georges proposes stylish self-catering apartments in a building dating back to the Renaissance Period.

Description of rooms

Decorated in an industrial, contemporary style, this apartment features a private bathroom with a walk in shower. It is complete with a fully equipped kitchen. Please note that this apartment is located on the 3rd floor without an elevator.

Deluxe One-Bedroom Apartment
Decorated in an contemporary style, this apartment features a private bathroom with a walk in shower. It is complete with a fully equipped kitchen. Please note that this apartment is located on the 2nd floor without an elevator.

Executive One-Bedroom Apartment
Decorated in contemporary style, this apartment features a private bathroom with a walk in shower. It is complete with a fully equipped kitchen. Please note that this apartment is located on the 1st floor without an elevator.



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