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Hotel Au Lion d'Or, La Petite-Pierre

Hotel Au Lion d'Or
Located in the charming town La Petite Pierre in the North of Alsace, Hotel Au Lion d’Or offers a warm and friendly welcome in a setting dedicated to your well-being.

Description of rooms

Village Double Room
These rooms have views of La Petite Pierre. Some rooms are allergy-free with synthetic bedding and no carpets. Free WiFi is provided.

Vallée Double Room
These rooms have views of the valley of La Petite Pierre. Free WiFi is provided.

Arbro Double Superior Room
These more spacious rooms feature nature-inspired décor and views of the greenery outside. Free WiFi is provided.

Duplex Suite Double
These spacious, modern suites are laid out on 2 levels, each with a private bathroom. Free WiFi is provided.

Four-Bedroom Villa
This 4-bedroom villa features 2 bathrooms with a bathtub and shower, a large living room with a seating and dining area and a fully equipped kitchen. It also includes a furnished terrace with a view of the valley. Guests in the villa have free access to the hotel's indoor swimming pool, sauna and hot tub. Please indicate when booking the number of guests expected to stay in the villa so that the necessary provisions can be arranged before your arrival.



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