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L'Armoric Hôtel, Bénodet

L'Armoric Hôtel
L'Armoric Hotel sits just 500 metres from the charming harbour and beach in Benodet. Its individually decorated rooms are en suite with satellite TV and free Wi-Fi internet access.

Description of rooms

Single Room
Free Wi-Fi access and satellite TV are included in this room.

Standard Double Room
You will have free Wi-Fi access and satellite TV in this room.

Standard Twin Room
Satellite TV and free Wi-Fi access are provided in this room.

Confort Double Room
This room has satellite TV and free Wi-Fi access. Extras in this room include views of the countryside and the Bénodet Bay.

Family Room (4 Adults)
This room features a view of the park and swimming pool. The private bathroom is complete with a bathtub. A supplement of EUR 17 per night will be charged for the third person onwards for use of the extra sofa bed.

Superior Room
This double room features a bathrobe, seating area and sofa.

Two Connecting Rooms
These two connecting rooms both have a small bathroom.



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від  62.00 EUR
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