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Château de Sarceaux, Alençon

Château de Sarceaux
Set in the Normandy region, this 18th-century castle offers south-facing guest rooms overlooking the park or the pond. It is a 90-minute drive from Mont Saint-Michel and the D-Day beaches.

Description of rooms

Rose Double Room
This romantic room has an alcove bed and overlooks the park.

L'Etang Double Room
This room is decorated in light green shades and overlooks the pond. It is possible to connect it with another room and therefore create a small apartment or a suite.

Parc Double Room
This room is equipped with a Louis XIV style alcove bed. It also has a bathtub and overlooks the park.

Oiseaux Room
This room can accommodate one child with an extra charge. Please advise at the time of reservation if a child is a part of the reservation.

Double Room d'Ecouves
This room is located in the annexe of the chateau, located 50 metres from the main building.



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від  135.00 EUR
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