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Hôtel La Réserve, Saint-Jean-de-Luz

Hôtel La Réserve
Located in the Basque region, the Eco-friendly Hotel La Reserve is set in lush gardens overlooking the Atlantic ocean. It boasts an infinity swimming pool, seasonally heated, a tennis court and a sauna.

Description of rooms

Standard Double or Twin Room
This room overlooks the front of the hotel and the car park.

Tradition Double or Twin Room
This room is on the garden level and has a garden view and a terrace.

Club Double or Twin Room
This room offers a view of the park and a view of the ocean. Upon request, 1 of these rooms can be equipped with facilities for disabled guests.

Double or Twin Room with Terrace
These rooms have a terrace, a view on the park and a sight on the ocean. Upon request, 1 of these rooms can be equipped with facilities for disabled guests.

Double or Twin Suite Junior
This suite features a garden view and a seating area.

Double or Twin Suite
This room features a garden and ocean view as well as a seating area.



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від  125.00 EUR
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