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Résidence Le Chili, Luz-Saint-Sauveur

Résidence Le Chili
Set in a park-like garden, 1 km from the picturesque town of Luz saint-Sauveur, the Residence Le Chili offers views of the Pyrenees, thermal baths 150 metres away and is only 15 minutes’ drive from Lourdes.

Description of rooms

Family Apartment
The self-catering studio offers access to the services available at the residence. Guests are required to leave the apartments clean upon departure, otherwise an additional cleaning fee will be charged. Please note that the residence's activities and services are only available during French school holidays, and mini golf during summer season only.

Studio (2 Adults)
The self-catering studio offers access to the services available at the residence. Guests are required to leave the apartments clean upon departure, otherwise an additional cleaning fee will be charged. Please note that the residence's activities and services are only available during French school holidays, and mini golf during summer season only.

One-Bedroom Apartment
This apartment can accommodate 2 persons and includes a separate bedroom, a bathroom, separate toilet. In the living/kitchen area, guests can find an equipped kitchen, a dining area, a sofa and a TV. It offers views of the park. Guests are required to leave the apartments clean upon departure, otherwise an additional cleaning fee will be charged. A third person can be accommodated at an extra cost.



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