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Le Moulin du Bas Pesé, Mont-près-Chambord

Le Moulin du Bas Pesé
A country house set in a well-kept garden, Le Moulin du Bas Pesé is located in the Loir-et-Cher region, amidst the Loire castles. It offers self-catering cottages and rooms with free WiFi.

Description of rooms

One-Bedroom Cottage - Les Fraises/Les Pierres
This cottage has kitchenware, kitchen and dining area.

Two-Bedroom Cottage (7 Adults) - Les Raisins
This cottage has a microwave, electric kettle and kitchenware.

Three-Bedroom Cottage (7 adults) - Les Roses
This cottage features a kitchen, microwave and oven.

Standard Twin Room - Les Bleuets
This twin room has a kitchenware, dining area and microwave.

Classic Double Room - Les pivoines/La Billebaude
Accessed by a private entrance, this room is decorated in green colours and features a dining area and a kitchenette with stovetop, refrigerator, coffee machine and a microwave. There is also a bathroom with a bathtub and toilet.

One-Bedroom Cottage (4 Adults) - Les Nénuphares
This holiday home has a kitchenware, stovetop and microwave.

Standard Double Room
Rooms are 15 square metres.



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