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The Natural History Museum of Marseille

The Natural History Museum of Marseille is located in the 4th district of the city, right in using Palais Longchamp and Bicentennial.

Here you will discover an extraordinary number of different samples and specimens are prepared from 400,000 in paleontology, botany, mineralogy, zoology and human sciences. All rolled into 4 separate rooms: the room "Safari" where you will see stuffed animals, living Provence on regional flora and fauna, the room "living earth" tracing the history of the Earth since the beginning of the living and dining "Terre des Hommes" where you learn a lot about the evolution of the human being under the age of metals.

Temporary exhibitions are open to the public and address additional topics for permanent exhibitions. The museum also offers interesting scientific conferences.

Admission is free for everyone every Sunday.

To get here you have the choice between the M1 metro station "Five Avenues Longchamp", or the T2 tram stop "Longchamp".

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