All about
Bordeaux arrondissement:
administrative center of department, prefecture
- Ambès
- Artigues-près-Bordeaux
- Ayguemorte-les-Graves
- Bassens
- Baurech
- Beautiran
- Beychac-et-Caillau
- Blésignac
- Bonnetan
- Bouliac
- Cabanac-et-Villagrains
- Cadaujac
- Camarsac
- Cambes
- Camblanes-et-Meynac
- Canéjan
- Carbon-Blanc
- Carignan-de-Bordeaux
- Castres-Gironde
- Croignon
- Créon
- Cursan
- Cénac
- Fargues-Saint-Hilaire
- Haux
- Isle-Saint-Georges
- La Brède
- La Sauve
- Latresne
- Le Haillan
- Le Pian-Médoc
- Le Pout
- Le Taillan-Médoc
- Le Tourne
- Lignan-de-Bordeaux
- Loupes
- Ludon-Médoc
- Léognan
- Macau
- Madirac
- Martignas-sur-Jalle
- Martillac
- Montussan
- Parempuyre
- Pompignac
- Quinsac
- Sadirac
- Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc
- Saint-Caprais-de-Bordeaux
- Saint-Genès-de-Lombaud
- Saint-Jean-d'Illac
- Saint-Loubès
- Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand
- Saint-Léon
- Saint-Morillon
- Saint-Médard-d'Eyrans
- Saint-Selve
- Saint-Sulpice-et-Cameyrac
- Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
- Sainte-Eulalie
- Sallebœuf
- Saucats
- Tabanac
- Tresses
- Yvrac
- Ambarès-et-Lagrave
- Blanquefort
- Bruges
- Bègles
- Cenon
- Cestas
- Eysines
- Floirac
- Gradignan
- Le Bouscat
- Lormont
- Mérignac
- Pessac
- Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
- Talence
- Villenave-d'Ornon
Port of the Moon
Bordeaux, France
Located in the historic center of the city of Bordeaux, near the Garonne river, the port of the moon is so called because it consists largely of a curve reminiscent of the crescent moon. It extends from the dock Bacalan than Paludate.
This unique architectural ensemble was created during the ...
Bordeaux Merignac Airport
Chambre de Commerce et d`Industrie de Bordeaux, Cidex 040, 33700 Merignac, France
I was here
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Regional Tourism Committee of Aquitaine
Cite Mondiale 23, Parvis des Chartrons • 33074 Bordeaux
Categories of the places