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La Héraudière Bed & Breakfast, Tours

La Héraudière Bed & Breakfast
Situated just north of the city of Tours in the Loire Valley, La Héraudière is a charming stonework bed and breakfast. It features a 1.3-acre park with old trees and a terrace area.

Description of rooms

"Saint-Martin" Double Room
Accessed through a private entrance, this ground-floor room has exposed wooden beams and a lounge area. Extras include a traditional bread oven. This room can accommodate an extra bed at an additional cost.

"Leonard de Vinci" Double Room
Located on the first floor, this room has exposed wooden beams and a sloped ceiling.

"Pierre de Ronsard" Double Room
This room is on the first floor and features exposed-stone walls and original wooden beams. This room can accommodate an extra bed at an additional cost.

"Marine Citron" Suite (2 Adults + 3 Children)
Please note that this suite can only accommodate 2 adults and 3 children under 12 years old. It includes two communicating bedrooms, games for kids and 2 baby cots.



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